Imam al-A’immah Najm ad-Din an-Nasafi’s detailed tafsir, filled with fawaid not found in any of the other major tafasir, just printed for the first time, after being expertly edited by a group of 9 editors over a period close to 2 years.
This is different from the famous Tafsir an-Nasafi, which is a later work by Hafiz ad-Din an-Nasafi
Whenever a new tafsir is printed, the editors try hard to point out special features of it not found in other tafasir, however most of the time these benefits relate to the manner in which the content is presented, as most newly printed tafasir don’t contain much content not found in the other major Tafsir works.
This particular Tafsir is different. It is filled with content not found in the other major works, both academic content such as nuqul from the salaf etc as well as spiritual content that could be used in lectures etc.
Ulama love to mention some inspiring nuktah not mentioned by others. Use this Tafsir and you should find many such nikat.
He also seems to focus on presenting the various usages of each word in the Quran.
For eg. When kitab was mentioned for the first time, he mentioned 20 different usages of the word throughout the Quran.
In short, this is an amazing Tafsir, that deserves a high rank amongst the other major Tafsir works like Tabari, Qurtubi, Razi, Ibn Kathir etc.
Mufti Husain Kadodia
تفسير النسفي المسمى التيسير في التفسير
Imam Abu Hafs al-Nasafi
Dar al-Lubab